
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Why Excessive Masturbation and Ejaculation Exhaust The Human Mind And Body?

Why Excessive Masturbation and Ejaculation Exhaust The Human Mind And Body?: "Masturbation and consequent orgasm depletes the brain and spinal fluids of acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin and the hormones such as hGH, DHEA, testosterone, thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3), neurotransmitters that are responsible for human functioning and very important when it comes to sex. This deficiency melts the brain’s acetylcholine/parasympathetic, dopamine and serotonin nervous functions and your endocrine functions. The damage results in the symptoms of bladder and prostate problems; frequent urination, incontinency, semen leakage, enlarged prostate, etc.

People also experience hair loss and they have no idea why they are losing hair. Even young men come to me and wonder why they are losing hair. The answer lies in the imbalances of the bodies nutrients and hormones that overmasturbation produces. Over burning of testosterone into DHT and the excessive DHT binds to the root of hair cells, blocking it from growing and cutting off supplies of nutrients and proteins so that hair will thin and eventually stop growing.

Frequent ejaculation also depletes the body of serotonin which then strikes an imbalance of serotonin and melatonin production (which controls your biological clock and tells you when to sleep and when to get sleepy). Serotonin on the other hand is responsible for fighting stress and anxiety and focusing on concentration…it then gets converted to melatonin for a good night’s sleep to recharge. People who over-masturbate tend to experience lack of concentration, focus, fatigue, and this is a direct result of depleting their bodies of serotonin.

Some of the people I have helped are clueless and don’t understand that pain usually means something is wrong. If ejaculating hurts…stop doing it! Frequent ejaculations deplete your body of prostaglandin E-1 and until the body can produce sufficient amounts of that nutrient, there will be pain and soreness after ejaculating. Allowing the body to recover before ejaculating again is the first step. People also complain of pain in the prostate (which is due to an enlarged prostate that also restricts urine flow and contributes to incontinency) after ejaculation. I tell them that their PSA levels have been elevated too high and won’t return to normal levels until another day or so. This is why the prostate is swollen and should be given time to rest before ejaculating again."


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